Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Inventing Futures - 3rd Dec.

(un)occupy The Body
by Vania Gala

Join Vania Gala on a presentation at Inventing Futures around the (un)occupation of the Body.
Included there will be excerpts of “Invited Guests”, of “Cooling Down Signs” and the ideas that gave shape to these two choreographic projects.
Join the conversation of round tables, workshops with other guest speakers reflecting on themes and notions through which theorists, artists have thought, challenged, imagined and invented future(s), in particular for choreography and institutional practice as research. 

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Invited Guests at Emergency Index 2012

Invited Guests is featured in the recent issue of Emergency Index 2012. The publication can be found at:

Emergency Index 2012

To all the performers Jodi Ann Nicholson, Panayotis Tofi, Teresa Noronha Feio and to the composer Jostein Fretland thanks for the wonderful inspiration that you gave to this project but also many thanks to all those of you that contributed with your feedback for this choreographic project.